Coming Events
Kittatinny Raptor Corridor Project
Lehigh Gap Restoration
Educational Programs
Internship Opportunities
Research Programs
Bake Oven Knob Hawk Count
Contact us:
Address: Mailing Address
Phone: 610-760-8889
Fax: 610‑760‑8889
Email: [email protected]
Wildlife Information Center
Educational Programs
Education is an important part of the mission of the Wildlife Information Center–the sharing part of our “gathering and sharing information.” Education is key to what we do: on the lookout at Bake Oven Knob when we are doing our hawk migration research, at public meetings, during testimony before government bodies, or when someone walks into our office. Our publications educate and inform. Our public talks and slide shows educate community members. Our Kittatinny Raptor Corridor Handbook has been distributed to libraries throughout the corridor region.

Wildlife Activist
Wildlife Activist (ISSN 0894-4660) is published three times per year and is the main publication and newsletter for the general membership. Along with the feature articles, each issue includes News from the Kittatinny Raptor Corridor Project, Wildlife Notes, and an extensive section called Wildlife Book Reviews.

American Hawkwatcher
American Hawkwatcher (ISSN 0748-8319) is a scientific journal reporting on the long term Bake Oven Knob Hawk Count research project. It also includes other articles and short field notes related to hawks in the Western Hemisphere. American Hawkwatcher is published annually in December or January.

Kittatinny Raptor Corridor Educational Handbook
The Kittatinny Raptor Corridor Handbook is an educational resource for schools in the Raptor Corridor area. It contains short bulletins arranged in loose-leaf format.

Bake Oven Knob Hawk Count Protocol Guide
This brochure describes in detail the techniques and methods used for our Bake Oven Knob Hawk Count. Across the country, many organizations rely on this guide as the basis for their hawk counts.
Wonderful World of Wildlife
The Wonderful World of Wildlife Reading Program is funded and sponsored by the Wildlife Center and is hosted by the Slatington (PA) Public Library. The program was established in 1996 and has served several hundred children since its inception. It was developed by Center member and Slatington Elementary teacher Deb Siglin, who continues to direct the program.
Each week during the summer and one Saturday per month during the school year, WWoW gathers children in two groups (4-6 and 7-11) for an hour program. Each session includes the reading of a wildlife related book by a volunteer, plus a hands on activity in which students usually have materials to take home after the program to discuss with their parents.
Young Ecologists Summer Camp
The Young Ecologists Summer Camp is a week-long day camp for students who have completed grades 6 or 7. The young ecologists study natural history topics, such as bird and tree identification, and also investigate issues relating to wildlife and the environment. They do water quality testing and study stream ecology, wetlands, and Appalachian forest ecology. They also study the migration and the Kittatinny Raptor Corridor and visit natural sites throughout the area.
The camp free for economically disadvantaged youth and there is a $30 registration fee for other students. The remainder of the cost of the camp is raised by the Wildlife Center. The camp was first operated in 1998.
Student Ecologist Awards
Each year, the Wildlife Center recognizes the achievements of Lehigh Valley area high school students for outstanding work on behalf of wildlife and the environment. Teachers and other members of the public nominate students and the award winners are selected from this pool of nominees. Several of our student ecologists are now in college majoring in environmental science or wildlife biology, and one, Brian Topping, was recognized with a national conservation award from the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Our education program will be greatly expanded when we secure our own wildlife refuge and headquarters. Please see our land fund information for details.
Our internship program began in 1999 with our first wildlife biology intern. Her responsibilities included the daily hawk count at Bake Oven Knob, entering data from the count on the BirdSource web site, and producing a research project in conjunction with the interns at nearby Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. The hawk count intern position will be available every autumn from August 15 through the end of November.
Other internship possibilities can be designed as a cooperative project between the college, the student and the Wildlife Center. Opportunities for other internships include such things as wildlife research, environmental education, librarian, and web site design. For more detailed information, see our Internship Opportunities page.
The wildlife center maintains a non-lending research library which focuses on ornithology, wildlife, and ecology. Use of the library is free for members. Others should call to discuss arrangements. Call for an appointment to use the library, or come to the one of the monthly Open Houses.
Hawk Talks
Hawk Talks are brief presentations geared to novice birders. They are conducted during the Fall at Bake Oven Knob. Contact the Center to arrange for one of our members to present a Hawk Talk for you or your group.
Every fall the Center hosts the Hawkfest at Bake Oven Knob. The contents vary every year, but often include presentations, as well as live raptors, reptiles, and other animals native to the area. The picture at the right shows a marked hawk from Hawkfest 2002.
WIC Presentations
The Wildlife Center offers free programs for local service clubs, chambers of commerce, and other groups. Wildlife Center Executive Director, Dan Kunkle, will attend your group’s meeting and present a 15 minute Power Point program followed by a question and answer session. To schedule a presentation for your group’s meeting, please contact Dan at the Center